I've found a Strava segment that I've been working on getting faster at: The Bridge Sprint
It's just a quick run from Downtown over the 7th Street bridge (AKA Andy Warhol Bridge).
I've managed to gain a PR of 48 seconds there. Not bad for an arthritic middle-aged chubby woman on a heavy bike with a messenger bag and less-than-aerodynamic panniers full of groceries. I'm pretty sure that's a division where I'll place high on the podium.
I like having short sprints to get the heart rate up. If I don't have these invisible races with no one, I'd just putter along at a slow amble and never burn as many calories as I should.
In the Women's leaderboard, I'm 25/82. Well, hey! I'm not in last place!
That's the extent of my competitiveness: being excited about not being in last place.
Strava Segments can be really motivating in that regard. Being in last place in some segments really helped me take my game up a notch. Now at the more popular nearby segments, I'm top 10 out of 200 (usually top 3 by weight or age, and number 1 by both).