Monday, September 28, 2015

Counting, Goats! #crashnotaccident and PawPaws

I'd volunteered again to help with a ped/bike count for the city, I think I bit off more than I could chew, somehow I'd been given three assignments. I could have swore I volunteered for one assignment. Ugh, 6 hours of counting people and bikes going by at 3 different locations and times.
I managed to rearrange a bit of work time to leave early for the 4-6 PM count and arrive to work a little late for the 7-9 AM count.
The Saturday count, I had to bail 30 minutes into that one: I needed a bathroom ASAP. Perhaps a person who needs frequent bathroom trips shouldn't be volunteering for things where bathrooms aren't easily accessible?

On my way to the AM count, I had to get this sunrise shot.

Count location 1
Count location 2
Count location 3
On my way to work one morning, I noticed Dan Y of Bike PGH counting bikes in the Strip. I got counted! I'm one of those elusive 'female cyclists'; I counted only 2 in my own 4.5 hours of counting.

Morning, Dan!

I decided the Brooks saddle on Doomer needed a lock and since it *simply must* coordinate with the pink other items on the bike, I felt it necessary to yarn-bomb my red lock with reflective pink yarn.

Marko and I were riding through the Strip and around 18th street, I saw a petting zoo set up in the street. I yelled "GOATS!" at Marko to let him know I simply MUST stop to check out the menagerie of barnyard animals in the middle of the city. Why it was set up there, I'll never know. The ass didn't look very happy to be penned up.

Look out! There are llamas!

We also ran across a colony of recumbent cyclists at the Point.
This species sports a colorful tailfeather which is definitely NOT used in mating rituals.

We took a trip out to Squirrel Hill to visit a few of the rare PawPaw trees in the city. 2 are planted at a fellow cyclist's house, the others are in Schenley park. None of them had fruit we could reach. We did find some apples to snack on however.
I've taken to pestering the local news stations via Twitter whenever they use "accident" to report on traffic conditions.

Marko's often told me: "The hills don't get any easier, you just go up them faster." I can attest to this truth: 5 of my trips up the hill to my apartment this week were under 5:01. I'm getting faster.
I still dislike my hill.


  1. You gotta yarn-bomb more stuff. I was not familiar with that expression. Perhaps a goat?

    1. OMG, YES!

    2. Holy crap! That made me laugh pretty hard. Thank you.


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